Étiquette : food

How to make awesome food and wine pairings: read this

In the first episode of #Askwinebyalex of 2021, I've got a question from Alessio: "Alex, can you remind me of the basics of food and wine pairing?". I was actually thinking to do a video about this to refresh the information I gave on previous posts. So let's dive in! ;)

Discover Jura wine: in-between adventure and food

Available in English🇺🇸 + French🇫🇷! I had only heard a little bit about Jura wines... As it is a very small region that represents only 0.2% of France’s total wine production, it is probably normal. However, it has not always been the case. Jura used to be around ten times its current size, but a series of setbacks decreased its presence from 1850. So, let's discover Jura wine together!