How to: the 6 steps that make Champagne outstanding

Welcome to Wine by Alex, the show to watch to take your wine game to the next level! Today you’re watching a brand-new episode of #Askwinebyalex and I’ve got a question from Julie: " I want to know about Champagne winemaking!" Julie, I’m all passionate about this topic as well! It’s a complex process so I’ll try to break it down in the most simple way possible for you. Before diving into the process of making Champagne, there are a few things you need to know...

How to make awesome food and wine pairings: read this

In the first episode of #Askwinebyalex of 2021, I've got a question from Alessio: "Alex, can you remind me of the basics of food and wine pairing?". I was actually thinking to do a video about this to refresh the information I gave on previous posts. So let's dive in! ;)

How to retain information you learn easily

In today's brand-new episode of #Askwinebyalex, I’ve got a question from Daniel: « How do you make all that info you learn stick in? ». So if you have wine exams coming, make sure you keep reading to discover my tips to make all the info I learn stick in!

7 winemaking methods you absolutely want to know now

Today you’re watching a brand-new episode of #Askwinebyalex and I’ve got a question from Elizabeth: « What techniques are used in winemaking and what are their results on the products? ». That’s a great question, Elizabeth! It’s something you need to know to understand the type of wine you’ll have in your glass. So here we go to discover the main techniques winemakers use and their effect on the resulting wines!

Vine growth cycle: How to finally get it (quick and easy)

Today you're about to watch a brand-new episode of #Askwinebyalex and I want to cover something I think is really important to start learning about wine! Have you ever wondered how the vines grow each year? How they produce grapes that'll become wine? Well today I'll get you through the 7 stages of the vine growth cycle!

Wine producers: the 8 types you need to know

It's official since last week, is now on YouTube! And today you’re watching the first episode of #Askwinebyalex!! To start this series, I want to cover a question I’ve heard a lot during my teaching! Do you ever feel lost about the various types of businesses engaged in wine production? Yes? So let’s talk about the different types of wine producers.

You’ll find on Youtube!💥

I've got a brand-new info coming for you... Ready? has now its own Youtube channel!! It means my series #AskWinebyAlex makes a comeback!! So subscribe to my Youtube channel first ;) Share the questions you ask yourself all the time with me. I'll answer here each week :)